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Data Security (Inc. Data Loss Prevention), Cyber Security, Privacy, Website Security, Email Security, Malware/Viruses, Open Source Intelligence, Cyber Security/Product Training
Cyber Security (Personal)
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Technical Product Reviews
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Cyber Security (Personal)
The importance of backing up your data
Vulnerabilities of wireless networking
First data protection act fines issued by commissioner
Cyber warfare, an increasing threat
The ever-increasing USB data-loss problem
The underrated physical threat to data security is a clear and present danger
Digital signatures explained
ICO Data Protection Act and encryption of data
It will never happen to me. Well it nearly happened to us and we're a data security company
The firewall and antivirus myth ... is it enough?
The USB vulnerability present in most companies and three scenarios compared
Rules are meant to be broken
The Windows password prompt myth
NOTW phone hacking explained
Data protection and IT security: Are your employees the weak link?
A third of all SME closures are down to human error, warns IT specialist
NOTW phone-hackling scandal is kid's stuff
Your social media usage could easily be the terrorist's strongest link
Could cyber espionage using social media be China's new frontline?
Social engineering true life story – “The runners”
Social engineering true life story – “The IT support company”
World renowned IT security expert sets up non-profit advice website
Choosing a strong password
Thinking outside the firewall (full)
Thinking outside the firewall (short)
Password encryption versus key file encryption
Professional hacker three-top-tips to make your network hack proof
Certified Ethical Hacker's analysis of “Anonymous” breach of Strategic Forecasting Inc
Landline hacking the next thing or a forgotten subject?
Drive by downloads is the latest fashion in malware infections
The drastic increase of faux internet security suites
Protect those who protect others
The bring your own device nightmare
Certified Ethical Hacker's analysis of FBI-UK police call hack
Will they ever learn on USB flash drives?
Web monitoring and blocking will only infuriate LulzSec and similar groups
Cyber warfare: truth is stranger than fiction
Cyber attacks, social media and internet information
Why not controlling your business data is a bad idea
Is technology moving too quickly to be secure?
Cloud computing: don't put all your eggs in one basket
SME IT security: creating a simple and affordable bullet-proof closed network
IT Security: companies do not do themselves any favours
Traditional approaches to antivirus will fail for home and small-business users
Website security speak is often marketing baloney speak
Concerned about data security? Why the ICO and FSA do not do businesses any favours.
IT security professional’s ten tips to keep your smartphone secure
HNWI security expert: there is more to worry about than evil viruses and basement hackers
News of the World phone hacking is the just the tip of the iceberg, according to security expert
Cyber security: A real Skyfall is just waiting to happen
Tips to help you avoid government surveillance schemes like PRISM
Appalling IT security failings revealed at Transport for London
Anatomy of an email based virus #1
Standard antivirus is so from the noughties – only 1/6 antivirus vendors detected a virus
Companies Exposed As 5 in 6 AntiVirus Solutions Fail To Identify Threats
OpenSSL Heartbleed: Expert On Criminal and Government Theories
Encryption software - Free And Open Source Vs. Proprietary
Anatomy of a DOCM (Microsoft Word macro document) email based virus
What actually happens when you click on a link within a “PayPal” email? Here is one example.
NatWest Fail To Adequately Protect Customers Online From Increasingly Sophisticated Cyber Crime Threats
Indian public organisations from local to central government are wide open to email hacking, hacktivism and espionage, says UK email security firm
Security for the super-rich is not just about bullet proof cars and entourages, what about cyber bodyguards?
Computer Scam Exposed By EncSec Security Director – Beware Identity Theft and Ransom from Scam Callers
Password security - it is not all about length and strength #1
What would you leave unattended in Starbucks?
Evolving malware entry methods – the Jscript (.js) “virus”
Personal thoughts on: Chappie (film) plus SCADA and robot security!
Dissection of a Microsoft Word .doc attachment with embedded .vbs downloader (Dridex banking trojan)
Surface 3’s forced cloud encryption key upload
Supply chain security: this will make you think twice about shopping online, especially at adult stores
Personal view and observations around commercial (corporate) Wi-Fi data collection in the United Kingdom and Europe
Your name might be (Commander) Bond, James Bond, but don’t shout it out on the Tube
If you cannot stop mass market ransomware, how will you withstand targeted malware attacks?
Mossack Fonseca: how can you protect your digital crown jewels to an extremely high level?
Pulling apart a mass market personalised malware debt invoice email
We have found a possible IED (bomb) left suitcase, let’s move it around and open it!
You may shred your printed matter but what about your files?
Can encryption protect your secrets against “APTs” and web exfiltration? Well, it depends...
Help we are under attack! Let’s create a hundred-page defence plan not actually roll out the big guns
Backup! Data loss can happen to anyone including me who is paranoid on security and privacy
IoT security is like running before you can walk
TalkTalk hack: The ICO’s biggest fine so far - TalkTalk must be trembling in their shoes, erh, no
Mrs. Clinton’s private mail server scenario is not actually as rare as you may think
The Tesco Bank hack: my own theories on how it may have happened
Cloud security: large scale public/private cloud is generally more secure but you can be the weakest link just like with on premise
The security triangle: simplicity and user intuitiveness can equal reduced security
Whitelisting: there is more to it than just blocking or allowing applications
Email borne malware: if the majority of burglars came through your front door, wouldn’t you focus protection on that entry method?
WhatsApp privacy & security and the terrorist attack on Westminster
Not all forms of multi or two factor authentication are “bulletproof”
Pulling apart a Trickbot banking trojan email
NHS ransomware: If 60+ hospital trusts can be taken down by mass market untargeted malware then what else has and can get through?
If only there was a certifiable technical security standard like there is for home door locks and handles
DNS is the backbone of the internet, get it wrong and it can cause serious problems - just look at the Daily Express website
Cyber risks are too often ignored by management
How the Daily Express accidentally DDoS’ed a small Limerick based design agency (again!*)
TeamViewer: Talk about partly or fully handing over your keys to the kingdom publicly and please upgrade from XP
Rise and Fall of Bitcoin
Personal and maybe a little controversial article: What is missing in cyber security? Doing as you preach
Think your outsourced supplier or method of paper shredding is secure? See these photos and think again!
Zone transferable DNSExit.com: probably the most in-secure DNS and hosting provider out there!
Cyber security loopholes, just because you have invested in new “state of the art” defences it does not mean there are not ways round it
UK cyber security: to be a leader in cyber security does not mean you are great at it
WhatsApp: does it’s end to end encryption implementation actually cut people out?
Cyber security: the gap between rich (good security) and poor (not good security)
Physical red teaming and people posting too much on social media: we have seen kids flash their credit/debit cards but what about corporate IDs?
Cloud Security
Password security - it is not all about length and strength #2
Cyber Security Loopholes
DataSecurityExpert “Special” Exposé - If you have ever wondered what data leakage/exposure looks like, here is your chance to see, and it contains some funny stuff (e.g. adult toys and more)
Security on Office 365
Don't overlook physical security!
There's more to Cyber Security than Pen Testing!
A thousand words of personal thoughts on something “controversial” and topical… Huawei (pronounced: wahwey!)
Charity starts where the home is: stop bashing others before bashing yourselves
Personal story on “identity theft”, it is so easy to do, I think we are all in the wrong job!
Cyber Attacks - Most of them are not as high-tech as you'd think
What website security headers are and why you cannot see mine
Cyber security buzzwords: we will be bulletproof if we buy this shiny new box (insert words: AI, ML, Cloud, SIEM, Next-Gen, Blockchain, Zero Trust, Quantum, Disruptive, EDR, EPP, MDR, Threat Intel & APT to make it even better!)
Why not controlling your business data is a bad idea, part two - five years later things have not changed drastically
Goodbye Aruba Instant On Access Point, SonicWall Firewall and Ubiquiti Kit
7 cybersecurity tips for wedding photographers – or anyone, really
Hostile reconnaissance: What is it and how do we stay safe?
My partner is a landscape gardener - who would want to hack me?
Shadow IT during Covid-19: Do not let your employees decide which apps and tools to use
The Covid-secure “fashion craze” has similarities to Cyber-secure
DataSecurityExpert “Special” Exposé #2 - Please manage your sub-domains unlike the British Council who now offer free adult content on top of arts, English and British culture
An example of very dumb/poor IoT security and some free tips: criminals please do secure your internet connected cameras at your cannabis farm!
DLP (Data Loss/Leakage Prevention) should be one chink of your cyber security armour